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The Travel Map book is a collection of useful information from 14 months of trips I have completed over the last eleven years (1994-2005). I enjoy food and experiencing diverse people and geography. The blog-style account is more about the mechanics of travel rather than exploring the great history of places. I do not have paragraphs of text describing scenes with elaborate metaphors and references to history or literature and tend to rely on the photographs to give the reader an idea of what a place is like. Each day is included so that hopefully you feel that you are on the same journey and realise some of the practicalities of backpacking. I also hope that those who have not had a chance to embark on global travel will find out a little more about what it is like by reading this guide and encourage them to experience unfamiliar places too and have their own original experiences. The rate of travel is quite intense and because the world is so big and interesting, the journal can only be a cursory description of these 35 countries. Six times around the world may sound a like a long time but in reality it is just the beginning.
or continue with The Travel Map 2